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献歌 Harder to breathe(1/2)

好书推荐: 嫡女归来:一世风华 总裁独爱俏丫头 股市情缘:呆萌总裁妖娆妻 爱妃别淘气! 暴君:绝色幽兰 倾城王妃风华无限 总裁,贵姓 总裁的神秘逃妻 重生之宠你一生 虎狼妇人美少年

( )

只有她自己知道这次来夜店的原因 只想要发泄 她无法忘掉她回到家中她看到她爱的那个男人和一个夜店中的舞女** 她没有走开也没有哭闹 她只是静静的看着他们 终于明白了一切


她爱他这么久,却抵不过一个舞女的**,想哭 但是她的高傲不允许她哭 因为她知道那个男人不配!滚吧,全部都滚开吧!她不稀罕这一切!!




“How dare you say that my behavior is unacceptable




So condescending unnecessarily critical




I have the tendency of getting very physical




So watch your step cause if I do you'll need a miracle




You drain me dry and make me wonder why I'm even here




This Double Vision I was seeing is finally clear




You want to stay but you know very well I want you gone




Not fit to funkin' tread the ground I'm walking on




When it gets cold outside and you got nobody to love


( 当天气变冷你无人可以来爱时)


You'll understand what I mean when I say




There's no way we're gonna give up


( 我们无路可走只能放弃)


And like a little girl cries in the face of a monster that lives in her dreams




Is there anyone out there cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe




Is there anyone out there cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe




What you are doing is screwing things up inside my head




You should know better you never listened to a word I said


(你最好知道我所说的你一句都没有听进去 )




没有了 目录
新书推荐: 全民星海时代 旧神法典:我有一个世界 军工摸底你摸我?我卖鱼竿的啊! 末世:我的关键词比别人多一个- 诡寝惊魂 箱子里的末日围城 幻影帝国 星猎:永恒阶梯 全民神祇:领主征战 从机械师开始无限转职